3月 10, 2009


王漢川、黃大業(2006)合譯;Bunyan, J.(1684)。直奔永恆-基督徒的天路歷程(The Pilgrim's Progress)。香港:海天書樓。


------Felicia pray in 2009.3.10

" How is it then that you've so quickly turned aside?" asked Evangelist. "For you're now out of the way." (Bunyan,1684,P.45)

You cn't be justified by the works of the law, for no one living can be loosed from the burden by the deeds of the law. (Bunyan,1684,P.51)

He was also greatly ashamed to think that the man's arguments, flowing from human wisdom, would have such influence with him as to cause him to forsake the right road. (Bunyan,1684,P.51)

From there, both he and those with him shoot arrows at those who aome up to this Gate, hoping they'll die before they can enter in. (Bunyan,1684,P.57)

Even though it (the law) reveals and condemns sin, it doesn't have the power to conquer it. (Bunyan,1684,P.65)
